Manholes MANHOLE, SAITAMA Manhole cover: Omiya Junko Nagata © A manhole outside the Omiya Station, in Omiya ward, Saitama. The cover’s design features Japanese zelkova tree (keyaki), sakurasou (Primula Sieboldii) flower and cherry tree. Continue the Travel Anime-themed manhole cover in Chichibu Manhole covers: Kasukabe City Manhole cover: Iru-Tea and Blue Impulse Manhole cover: Chichibu Pokemon-themed manhole cover Manhole cover: Settaya An old school for the children of the samurai in Iwatsuki, Saitama Manhole cover: Ome City Manhole cover at Lake Miyagase Area Manhole cover: Sumo Manhole cover: Miura City Manhole cover: Center Square (Kawasaki)